Alyre Bourque Trail
The Alyre Bourque trail is a hiking trail (for non-motorized use) covering an approximate distance of 2.8 kilometers. It gives access to the coast and to a marsh. The level of difficulty is considered easy.
The trail is made up of two sections. The Alyre Bourque south trail, 1 km long, is located between Route 530 and the intersection of the École trail. The Alyre Bourque north trail, 1.8 km long, is located between route 530 and the coast of Anse-de-Cocagne. You have to walk five meters on the shoulder of Route 530 between the two sections. A bench and an osprey nesting platform have been installed at the north end of the trail.
Access: From Route 530, near civic number 4424, a parking (link), which can accommodate about five cars, is available to users and identified by a sign. Another sign identifies the starting point of the two sections of the trail (on both sides of Route 530).